In today’s fast-paced business environment quick adaptation to constantly-changing market conditions is a key to survival of organizations. That’s why software houses turn to Agile app development practices which is the single most effective approach that helps to streamline the development process and help business to stay competitive. Check what exactly Agile stands for and why it can be a good solution for your project.


Agile is an app development process which uses incremental iterations to deliver a quality product. Aspects like adaptability, accountability and leadership are blended together with effective strategies employed for developer-stakeholder communication.

“Our team uses agile because it helps to better understand clients’ requirements and flexibly adjust to their needs”, points Mateusz Stanuszek from Ready4S product team.

Agile is essentially a team-based approach to development and it focuses on rapid delivery of an app in functional components. Instead of wasting time on creating tasks and schedules, working time is “time-boxed” into phases which are called “sprints”, each with a defined duration and list of deliverables.

“Agile works for our clients because app deliverables are prioritized by their business value – it’s also characterized by a significant customer involvement”, adds Mateusz.

Once the work is completed, the customer and project team can evaluate and review it through end-of-sprint demos.


Team building is key to agile project management. Here’s a breakdown of key roles and responsibilities in a scrum team:

Product Owner

This role combines the responsibilities of traditional project manager and project sponsor. However, Product Owners are in constant interaction with the Development Team.

Scrum Master

The Scrum Master is the process referee who makes sure that the team follows the methodology. He or she organizes the process to efficiently use all Scrum artifacts and processes. The Scrum Master also coaches the team, guiding it towards higher performance and self-organization. This is in fact their core deliverable – a self-organizing team.

Development Team

In Agile app development, the team is a cohesive and cross-functional group of developers who possess skills required to deliver project goals. Scrum teams are self-organizing and collaborative – each member has complete authority on how the work is done and which tools or techniques will be used to achieve specific goals.


Here are 4 good reasons why you should choose agile for your next mobile app development project:

  • Customers are closely involved in the project and gain a sense of ownership.
  • Frequent and early opportunities to see new deliverables allow to make quick decisions throughout the entire development process.
  • Agile allows to quickly produce a basic version of working software built on successive iterations – a key advantage if time to market is a key concern for your app.
  • Because the customer plays such a vital role in the process, agile delivers products which are much more user-focused.

Agile project management is a great pick for teams which want to deliver quality apps over a short amount of time, benefiting from frequent interactions with customers to create an efficient and sustainable product.

Do you want to develop your app idea with the Agile-managed team? Fill in this form to get a free quote from Ready4S.